I have decided to wake up this lovely blog as I am about to go through some exciting changes in my life.
As you know I have Charcot Marie Tooth Disease On Thursday I am going to be having botox, yes i said botox to help relax the muscles in my toes and feet. Within 3 days i should begin to see some changes and within three weeks i should have "normal" feet again! I am both really excited and petrified at the same time.
I used to be a phlebotomist taking people's blood day in day out (nickname vampire) and yet I still have a humoungous fear of needles!!! For this procedure its about 10 needles injected into the muscles of each foot but the pain is nothing when i think of the results.
I am also likely to go up from a 4.5UK to a 5UK so maybe new shoes will be necessary! So here goes nothing! I will run a photo blog so that you can see for youself the changes. Will post the first photo Thursday of my feet as they are now and then weekly I will show you the progress. This procedure will wear off so I'll chart that too. See ya thursday!!
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