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Sunday, 6 March 2011

Funny how life comes and bites you on the BUM!

What a few days I have had and the journey on this road has only just begun.  My dad got sick towards the end of last week with what I thought was a chest infection, within 24 hours it was severe pneumonia and today he was taken to intensive care as he began to get worse.

It's quite shocking the mortality to feel when you are faced with the real possibility that one of THE most important people in your life may not make it.  I have faced every emotion today and re run every memory we have together in my head a thousand times.

I am happy to report that as of right now he is critical BUT stable so for that I give thanks and rejoice.  I will of course do my very best to keep my blog going but I know you won't be mad at me for a few day's grace if things get busy.

1 comment:

  1. Sara, I have been thinking and praying for you. I had been in this position a couple of times. Glad to hear your dad is stable. Will keep praying. X
