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Thursday, 7 April 2011

A to Z challenge: B is for ....

Baby belly!

Do you have a baby belly? Is that a personal question?  I mean I am not the biggest person in the world, I am a UK size 12, but since my babies were born I have had a baby belly!  I am like a mummy kangaroo lol!

How the heck do you lose your mummy belly? There are countless ways described on the internet from painful to the completely ridiculous!  Would you wear a bikini on the beach if you had a baby belly? What's the protocol? Is there one?  If there is, who even sets the protocal?????

I am going to a spa at the end of the month for a hen weekend, and between my "champagne legs" and my baby belly, I am at a loss as to what you wear that is a) appropriate and b) suitable for my shape.  ARGHHHH!! who said being female was easy??

I am going shopping this weekend for my outfit so any advice you have before then would be greatfully received.

Which one would you pick?

The classic all in one
The funky fashion one

The tummy support outfit

1 comment:

  1. I know you can reach your goal! you are powerful and I decided to award you the Powerful Woman Writer Award.
    Go to http://astorybookworld.blogspot.com/p/awards.html and pick up your award.
