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Monday, 28 February 2011

BaM! is just what I needed

The greatest thing about being a Bam! member, is that you get pushed in lots of directions, with great ideas given to you on a plate.  I have been using their teaching and mentoring for over a month now and the ideas are there, in place ready to execute and that's just it, I need more hours in the day to keep being able to execute.  There is, right now, nothing more frustrating for me, than having all this in my head (and now in a purposely bought book) and not enough time to put my plan of action into... well.... action!!

I have the potential for 33 different income streams by the end of spring, so now I need to create time! Yup that's it, simply stop the hands of time!  If anyone knows how you do this, then please get in touch as right now there truly aren't enough hours in the day, maybe you can buy them on eBay???

Increase your income in 2011

BaM! are opening their doors to more people (you don't have to be a mum) in March so why not start their free course now and then consider signing up. If you mention me, should you sign up, then you'll get extra niceness from the lovely Erica, Antonia and Carol.

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Trying to find the bright side today.

When you learn to live with a condition such as Charcot Marie Tooth, after a while you appreciate that this condition brings good and bad days. When you have had a few good days and life is going well, one bad day can simply be like a little tornado hitting your wooden house!  It is fair to say that on the whole I am a generally up beat person and I fill my life with lots of interesting things to continue to be that way.  It is another story however when the level of pain you experience means that simply lifting your arm hurts so bad that you want to cry, and then comes the frustration of being severely limited and dependant on others.

Not the most upbeat post today lovely readers but this is the reality of my life right now and I set out at the beginning of the year to chart my progress with weight loss, battling the CMT and making a success of my business.  Well fact is fact that today is a bad day, and being kept awake until 4.30am with the pain has not helped but tomorrow is another day.  I am grumpy and unreasonable today, and instead of looking forward to a jazz evening with friends, I am contemplating the frustration of getting dressed lol. Sound like a very very old granny don't I??  Well that's bad days for you! 

It's OK to have bad days you know, the most mature thing to do is to recognise you're having a bad day, tell the people around you and then take it easy.  Do something you enjoy rather than try to take on a difficult task and frustrate yourself even more.  I was originally going to say that the CMT won the battle today but I think maybe I have taken back a little ground. If I am able to say "yes I am having a bad day, but that's OK I am going to take it easy and do what I can and what I enjoy" then just maybe I have won today!

Take is easy lovely readers. Having a bad day?  Let me know about it and we can feel better together!  This is for you

Monday, 21 February 2011

Don't accept the first thing you hear

I don't usually spend my time on my blog putting the worlds to right but today I felt like doing something different.  I guess I am sitting on the edge of a very wonderful future, and it got me wondering what would have happened if I had listened to the person who at ages 23 told me, that I "should get used to being sick, cos I would never work again."

I am not the exception to the rule. There are countless hundreds who are living proof that if you have a dream and you keep pushing towards it, then anything is possible.  Who knew that this bed ridden mum of two could battle the odds and get back to studying and find a love for business whilst doing that.  Each step that I have taken has been hard, but here I am on the edge of a successful business, and great opportunities in the pipeline.

I met a very inspirational team this week whose focus are the people around them. They have a total focus for their community and every they do revolves around the people they see every day of their lives.  It got me thinking, if we all got a small focus towards people who need our help and away from our own problems, maybe we could achieve something. What do you think?

Maybe you've lost your way?  Have you had a dream that you have given up on cos the going got tough? why not make one step back towards the way you should be headed this week and then keep taking steps until you are on the edge of something great. And then you take a leap of faith! but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Just start with the first step!

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Juggling all three

As you may already know, I have been to a retreat for a few days, and it has been invaluable.  The problem  however began when I returned from the retreat.  I got home to find both my boys ill, a mountain of emails to reply to and a sore pair of legs.  Yes dear readers, there was not a double whammy but a triple threat to the rest of my working week lol.

Today I have been a circus clown, juggling the business, my kids and my legs (actually taking my legs off and throwing them in the air sounds great right now)  Oh and I forgot to mention that I have had cravings for sugar today!!! NO NO NO! not funny. 

So what did I do? Well only one thing I could do... Lock myself in the shed !!!! Only kidding, number one my greatest enemy is in the shed.. half the neighbourhoods spiders and number two there is no power in the shed.

Seriously tho, I have done what I can and that has to be good enough for today.  I moved the dining room table in the kitchen for the kids to set up their tent in there to play with. That kept them occupied for about an hour!  Then I had to go to a meeting so I left them in the company of their dad and got done what I needed to do.  I accepted that there was little I could do about my legs, so i just tried to get on with the rest of it and apologised for every time I snapped at my kids and husband.  As for the chocolate/ sugar cravings, I ate an Atkins chocolate bar, had sweetener in my coffee and am staying out of the kitchen.

There is a little saying that says
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.

I guess this is me right now, accepting the things I cannot change is a massive challenge, courage to change the things I can is not so much of a challenge, as I am getting bolder the older I get. Wisdom to know the difference, well who doesn't need more of that.

So I am accepting that I have at least done some great work today, and my kids are happy going to bed tonight and I haven't had a massive carb fest so that's not bad going, well for today anyway!

Monday, 14 February 2011

My Bucket list

I have decided to start a bucket list. If you don't already know what one is, then it is simply a list of all the things you want to do before you kick the bucket lol

So here is mine

1. Run a 10k.
2. Run a half marathon.
3. Run a marathon.
4. Learn to ski.
5. Learn how to ice skate.
6. Learn to surf.
7. Learn conversational Spanish.
8. Fly first class
9. Learn sign language.
10. Learn conversational german
11. Fly Virgin atlantic
12. Learn to play the piano.   Started aged 7
13. Take singing lessons.       started age 11 didn't continue
14. Learn to play the guitar.    learnt as a teenager
15. Compose a song        Did for GCSE Music
16. Sing Karaoke.    At my mums 50th birthday
17. learn to Salsa
18. learn to Cha-cha-cha
19. learn to Tango
20. learn to Waltz
21. learn to Foxtrot
22. learn to Samba
23. Ride in a hot air balloon.
24.  Go sky diving.
25. Go on a helicopter ride.
26. Go scuba diving.
27. Race a sports car.
28. Go on a cruise.
29. Experience weightlessness.
30. Watch a rocket launch, live.      Age 15 in Florida
31. Walk out on the glass walkway of The Grand Canyon
32. Visit The Northern Lights (the Aurora Borealis)
33. See the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco
34. See Mount Rushmore
35. See the Empire State Building
36. Climb up the Statue of Liberty
37. Visit SeaWorld Florida, Orlando   Age 15 Florida
38. Visit Disney World        Age 15 Florida
39. Visit all Fifty of the United States
40. Visit all 7 continents.
41. Live in a foreign country for six months.
42. Take up photography.
43. Learn to juggle
44. Become a Wine Connoisseur.
45. Not live by negative emotions and limiting beliefs.
46. Allow yourself to make mistakes.
47. Discover your life’s purpose.
48. Learn not to take what others do or say personally.
49. Figure out your priorities.  My family and my spiritual well being
50. Learn to act within your sphere of influence and stop worrying about things which are not within your control.
51. Learn to say “no” without feeling guilty.
52. Get a Masters degree
53. Meet Richard Branson.
54. Make a difference in at least one person’s life.   Helped a homeless guy by giving food and shelter
55. Make loans to entrepreneurs in developing countries.
56. Get an article published
57. Write and publish a novel.
58. Write an eBook.
59. Shop at Harrods
60. Charter a yacht.
61. Own a beach house.
62. Fly in  a private jet.
63. Have “High Tea”  in London
64. Drive a Lamborghini or a Ferrari
65. Sleep in a castle
66. Be recognized as an authority in your field.
67. Leave a valuable contribution in your area of expertise.
68. Start your own business.      Feb 2011
69. Own a coffe shop
70. Invent something.
71. Be a fashion designer.
72. Become a mentor/ life coach.   Summer 2010
73. Become a judge.
74. Become a freelance writer.     Feb 2011
75. Create a web site. Feb 2011
76. Start a blog  Feb 2011
77. Make a five-figure income from your online ventures.
78. Become financially literate.
79. Invest in the stock market.
80. Create enough passive income so that you don’t have to work another day in your life.
81. Become a millionaire.
82 Put kids through uni debt free
83.  Find the love of your life.     April 1999
84. Get married. Sept 1999
85. Go on that honeymoon that keeps getting postponed.
86. Have a child.   March 2001
87. Create a home with an inviting, joyous, comfortable, loving atmosphere.
88. Have a pet
89. Pass on a family heirloom to your child.
90. Go on safari.
91. Own A Colonial House
92. Own a house in the country
93. Have a large kitchen with wooden floors
94. Stay in a hotel with a whirlpool bathtub.
95 Move out of my home office   Feb 2011
96. Rent a summer villa with a private pool
97 Have a home with  a guest bedroom.
98. Own a grand piano.
99. Have a grand staircase and a hall way big enough for a large christmas tree.
100. Find inner peace  I found Jesus lol!
101. Learn to forgive
102. Learn to live in the now
103. Visit the Olympics
104. Watch a Brit win at Wimbledon
105. Enjoy a Thanskgiving meal with American friends
106. Eat Cheese Fondue
107. Eat real Indian curry.
108. Visit Italy
109. Stay at a top 5 star hotel
110. Run my own business mentoring network.

Friday, 11 February 2011

And breathe!!!

W finally got there, we are now officially in business. My guests last night had a fab time and they all thoroughly enjoyed the gift bags, candy buffets and orange cupcakes.  I am no however exhausted!!!!  It has all been worth it, because I am to be show cased in a south wales paper this Tuesday.  My launch coincided with the press release sent out from the Princes Trust (they are the ones who helped me launch) and so now they are featuring me.  How fun is that? Well great fun until you realise that the paper are coming at 10.30am Sunday morning to take my photo! Oh come on give me a break!!! 10.30am that's the early hours of the morning for a woman in business who has worked over 90 hours this week.

I will be sure to show you the article probably on Thursday as I am going to be at a retreat the beginning of the next week. 

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

3 lumps for the price of 1

Sunday was a sorry day for me. I had a fall! Please leave your sympathetic comments at the bottom.  I have been tripping a lot this last few weeks and I think most of it is because I am sooooo tired!!!  I mean you start off with a business idea and then hey presto you are up til Lord knows what hour and your body isn't resting.

Anyway I was walking up the ramp (safe option versus the steps i thought) to my in laws apartment in town when my foot caught in the paving and I fell.  I crashed down to the floor and before the MR could turn around I was crying like a baby.  The first thing I said whilst blubbering was "oh please help me up, don't leave me on this floor" (I know pitiful aren't I?)  What i meant to say was "you have about 10 more seconds to get me off this floor otherwise my whole body will seize up and I won't be able to move" (passed experience counts for everything with this condition)

So I get up thanks to being dragged off the floor by the MR, and boy does the pain begin to kick in. I continue my day not really feeling that bad but nonetheless sore!  Monday comes and I am not great but again getting about. Tuesday comes and I cannot move for the agony!  I mean for goodness sake what is it with my body and the two day delay! Seriously I have a day of doing OK after injuring myself and then the following one after that I can't move.  Never mind the phrase "the lord works in mysterious ways, my body does!!!!

So now I am nursing a very sore and swollen knee cap, ankle, elbow and shoulder, all whilst launching the new business tomorrow. I guess it will be flat boots and trousers tomorrow night then to hide all the lumps and bumps. Ah well dear readers it can only get better!

Monday, 7 February 2011

So how did I lose the extra pound?

So remember me telling you about how I lost £10 but then I left you with the wonderment of how I lost the other one.  Well once I had spoken to the wizard, I realised that where I was standing and where I was going to have to go were only next door to each other. Yeah right, the building were next to one another but the paths that led to the building went across three roads and two bus stops!!!!  The two car parks were surrounded by fencing that blocked off all access to the road other than the "designated walkways" and thus two buildings in complete proximity to one another may as well have been two miles apart. 

My mum told me to just go to the top of the car park we were parked in, and press the ticket barrier for a ticket and then just pay at the machine. "Genius" i thought until I realised that the barrier has a motion sensor and that if I didn't run through it fast enough, the barrier would not shut or even worse the barrier would slam down on my head ouch!!!. I then felt totally guilty as the thought of ruining the barrier and so my trek across the desert that is the hospital grounds began.  After 10 minutes my little feet stood at the door way of the car park office.  I was still toying with the idea of running through the barrier and saving myself £8 but seeing as I had walked all the way over, I thought it best to just get it done! 

The very nice ageing guy sat behind the desk began to tell how I wouldn't believe how many women he got in there on a daily basis who had lost tickets!!!!  I mean come on give me a break! I've walked half a mile to only now be confronted by a complete idiot!  I just gritted my teeth and paid my money and as I turned and walked out....the guy shouted "put that somewhere safe now or it'll cost you £20" I couldn't even turn around to look at his little face behind the desk. I just kept walking.  So I am contemplating my trek back to the car and having to cross three roads and pass two bus stops when the phone rings... I glance at my phone at my worst fears are staring back at me. The screen reads "mums mobile", I can't even bear to take the call because dear reader I know whats coming next. I press the green button and then say "hello" down the end of the line as if someone were sticking pins in my eyes.  "Sara have you paid yet" mum shouts down the phone, "yes why?" I wince back "cos I have found it"  Well I kid you not if the number 43 bus had been pulling into the road at that point, he would have taken me out. I could not believe it!!!  The ticket I had just bought was a no return policy and the ticket in the car with my mother was now completely useless.  I could have cried!!!

So having dragged myself back to the car, I had to know where she found it considering we had turned the car upside down.  "it was in the cooler box" she said when I got into the car.  "the cooler box?? Why on earth did I put it in the cooler box (yes I have a posh car with a cooler box between the front two seats). Turns out that I had put it in the designated place only for it to slide off and fall under the rim of the cooler box. How do I know? Cos just as I was about to drive off to the barrier, it happened again!!!!   So the pound came from having to walk so far to buy a ticket to replace one that had already been found! Oh the shame!!!

Friday, 4 February 2011

Products a plenty....

today we are going to give you a few updates about the products we've been tested as an extended family.  Those products include; Shloer soft drink and Colmans season & shake,

My dad who call "Pod" lives on his own and is always looking for great products ideas. See what he did with the Colman's season and Shake.

Colman's Season & Shake, Rustic Chicken. easy to follow, The Veg must be done to the instructions on the packet, as the picture shows chunky veg but the instructions say that the carrot and potato must be sliced thinly. I thought that the cooking time could be longer by 10min's but this may vary from oven to oven.  The packet suggests it is for four servings which is just right as the flavour is strong. I found it really easy to put together,  cooking time was about 60-70. It was very nice. If you are cooking for the whole family it could be waterdown so children may take to it better, but it did have a  good all round flavour.
If you have any questions about the Colman's Season and shake please leave a message below.

As a family we also tested Shloer.  This has been a family favourite for many special occasions as many of our family don't drink alcohol.  At Christmas and special events we usually buy shloer.  We have noticed that shloer has recently undergone a makeover and when it arrived we all thought the bottle had really gone up another level in its design.  Myself and the MR like wine, but we are always open to alternatives and the boys enjoyed taking out a wine glass from the cabinet and drink this with us.  The MR thought it was "light, left your mouth feeling refreshed and tasted sweet, but not too sweet"  Munchkins thought it was "tasty and nice, and guessed that this is what wine tasted like"  The Little Man just shouted "lovellllllllyyyyyyyyyy" when asked for his opinion.  Shloer is and will remain a family favourite.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

I lost eleven pounds today

Seriously I did!  Want to know how ?

So you probably know by now that I am on the Atkins eating plan, not a old eat loads of fat one but the new eat lots of veg one. Well.....it has absolutely nothing to do with that!

I took my mum to the hospital in Cardiff today for a check up.  After her appointment had finished, we made our way back to the car, I paid at the machine, collected my ticket and jumped in my car.  I lost my bottle top on the floor of my car and then the problems began! 

So here I am rummaging around in my car, its a new car so its a clean car, thank goodness.  After opening the door and sticking my behind out of it to get under the seat, I then found the black bottle top against the black seat frame under my chair. Oh the shame of what I must have looked like.  And then worse was to come, I am switching on my engine and go to drive off when it dawns on my that my ticket is not in the usual place where i keep parking tickets.

I mean granted this is a new car BUT I have already found a great spot for my parking tickets just between the two cup holders, just next to my phone (I use hands free now don't ya know(check back tomorrow for my speakerphone review)  OK so I've obviously put in back in my bag right? WRONG!!!!  Me and mum empty pockets, bags, pockets within bags and NOTHING!!!!!!!!

OK so this genius blond decides to retrace her steps back to the only place I know I saw it last... the payment machine.  On my way back I am peeling my eyes back as if I were looking for a diamond ring but nothing.  I reach the machine and notice a help button.  So i think well this is my next step.

I press the button and a ringing tone blasts out of the machine... I begin to wonder "am I ringing a local person or will i end up speaking with someone in India" I hope for the former and fear the latter.  Anyway two minutes later a voice bellows out from the machine, I feel like I am talking to the wizard of oz who happens to have a very strong Cardiff accent. Before I tell him about the help I need, I look around to see how many people are standing around me and thank God there was no one!  So I proceed to tell the wizard that I have lost my ticket and I want to go home. The wizard tells me that I need to proceed to the building next to the car park and buy another ticket AT A FULL DAY RATE OF £10.

OK so now you know how I lost ten pounds now you need to know how I lost the other one??? Well you better check back when I update the post to tell you the rest of my saga!!!   OOH I know I'm cruel, it is worth waiting for I promise.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Wing it wednesday!!

HI lovely followers....today is Officially wing it Wednesday!

Tell me your stories of when and why you have had to wing it.

This week I was asked by the boys school to take a whole school worship in the school church, and talk about my goals in business.  I took the call thinking something was wrong with one of the boys, but in fact it was the school secretary asking me to take the worship. I simply responded "yes of course I will" and then after putting the receiver down, I thought what have I just done.

So you see I have to now wing a 40 minute presentation on my goals, lol my goals ok then better start thinking.  tell me about when you have had to wing it. Did it work? What was the outcome? I'd like to know.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Today is D day.

Today I am returning to the Orthopaedic department to get the verdict on foot surgery.  six months ago I was told I was not a candidate for surgery as changing my feet, would mean changing the way I walked and this was not a good idea as it would lead to secondary problems.

I left my appointment six months ago and I sobbed all the way home. When it becomes so painful to walk that you really would rather give up on it all together, then it is obviously a serious problem. My naivety was that, if I present myself to experts who help peoples feet all day long, they would of course create a solution. WRONG!!  It turns out (from insider knowledge) that the main reason for not committing to surgery, was that it was going to open up a whole can of worms, and one surgery, would lead to another, to another and so on.

So today I am to return to his excellency the great orthopedic god, for him to ask me "how are you?" and for me to say "did you think i would have a miraculous experience and become cured?".  This is in fact what I will be saying in my head and what comes out of my mouth will be "the same as last time I saw you"

I will let you know what the great god said tomorrow