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Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Eyes wide for every opening.

I was very kindly tweeted (sent a message via twitter) this week with a great opportunity.  I have to say I was EXTREMELY sceptical at first as I always am with online make money schemes.  There was an offer of some free emails in return for my address and a free webinar (a seminar held on the web). I mean when you tell me free, I'll tell you fabbie! So after a long crazy weekend to the world of gifts and confectionery wholesalers, I logged in to my webinar and waited to find the catch. I waited and I waited! I'm still waiting!

So let me tell you a little bit about my new venture. I have met possibly the most refreshing business people since Mrs Smith (the marketing bubbly brunette) and Mr Welsh Busy Bee (the 100 mile an hour ideas man). Erica and Antonia, who have created BaM! have really made the difference this week, with their way of looking at having more than one income rather than AN income. If you are interested in working around  your current busy schedule, you really should check it out. The schemes current registration will be with us until Friday and then the doors are closed. Don't fear the fact it looks like its for mum's, it actually works for anyone who wants to work around their life and not life around their work.  Just think there are about 50 or more females on there right now, be the first male lol and you'll be the centre of attention for sure

This is my link, and should you sign up please mention my name.

I have already benefited hugely from the first few days. I am seeking opportunity everywhere!!!! Best part is, if you sign up and then think "nah this isn't for me" then as long as it's within 30 days you get your money back! AND there's more if you choose to leave, you can do so at anytime.  Interested? Well use my link, check it out, sign up and mention me!

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