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Thursday, 27 January 2011

Revolutionised cleaning

I have had some great products to review in the last week or so. Some are a work in progress and others are been outsourced for trialling.  As you all know by now, I am a busy working mum of two and if it were not for the MR very little would get done at home. 

The MR is amazing at keeping the house tidy. He cleans like a professional, and stubborn stains and marks get right on his nerves.  Today he has been using the e cloth kitchen pack, and I have to say his opinions were very vocal.

Now I know the pack says kitchen pack, but I was working from my home office at the time when the package arrived. The MR decided to test this products metal, and headed straight for our bedroom mirror, which had hairspray amongst other products on it.  we have in the past used wet wipes and cleaning cloths but nothing happened.  Either the mirror was left dirty or it was blurry and full of marks.  And so he began.  the green cloth had to be used damp, and instantly the marks came off.  He then proceeded to use the blue cloth to "polish" the mirror and what more can I say.... It was smear free!!! absolutely sparkling!  The MR was very excited and made his way down to the kitchen where a year long stain awaited him.

We have had this stubborn little mark right by the microwave for what seems like forever, we have used every product and spray, lotion and potion on it and we have never managed to get it off. Once again he used the green cloth and once again the whole thing came off!  

Now I am the sceptics of all sceptics when it comes to wonder products but I have to say this is indeed worthy of a title that proclaims "wonder product"

The MRs review of the e cloth gives it a mark of : 10/10

If you want your own e cloth then here is all the info you need.

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