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Saturday, 22 January 2011

Phase one complete!

So today completes phase one of my low carb challenge. I have lost 8lb in two weeks. Not bad going when you think about it.  I am now preparing myself for the slow down in weight loss.  I've read the book and the book says now weight loss goes down to about 3lbs a week, but why is it you always secretly hope that magis fairy dust spills on you and you keep losing at the same rate?

I do have a little confession to make however, last night the family had take away for tea.  Now that's not my confession, before you gasp for air.  Let me take you to where I was last night standing in the kebab shop.  Now kebab is fine when you are eating low carbs as meat is pretty much, on the whole, carb free.  I always make a point to the guys to pile up the salad and leave out the pitta.  Now if I had left it at that then I would be a very full and smug lady this morning BUT I had to go and put a tablespoon of sugar loaded BBQ sauce on it!!!! I know, gasp and shock horror, I caved in. Problem was I opened the flood gates and ate half my sons chips as well!!!!! Well have you tasted kebab shop chips, they are moorish.  For me chips are like a box of chocolates, you can never eat just one! One follows one follows one follows one until.. well you get the picture.  Thank goodness I weighed in the morning.*blush*

Well anyway today is a brand new day and this week I get 5g more per day! And i get REAL chocolate, yup a real bar of chocolate and crispies, Its like a well known purple bar of chocolate without the sugar content!

Tonight I am going to see my munchkin in his performance of Wizard of Oz so I'll take a bar of chocolate with crispies and feel quite contented with the state of my muffin top, and there's the added bonus of no guilt after eating it. Problem now is... will one bar be enough?

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