So then the carbs, well having been a "yo yo dieter" (going up and down in weight not looking like a round fat yoyo ;0)) for 8 years or more, I have really found eating out whilst counting calories etc really hard. This weekend filled me with dread until I used online forums to help find out what other ppl do. It's amazing what you find when you google "eating out on the induction phase". We took a large ham and cheese salad with us for our journey and beef jerky and atkins advantage bars for snacks if we got hungry! That was simple and yesterday evening i ate....... A KEBAB!!! I did OMG I ate a kebab on a diet! Praise the good Lord for Dr Atkins! I had a grilled lamb shish with loads of salad and no sauce. The MR had a donner with loads of salad and garlic mayo. It was yum and I wish i had gone large. I guess I should say No pitta was eaten during this process. And for breakfast this morning a double sausage and egg muffin minus the muffin.
My feet unfortnuatley are very painful lately and even my lovely wooly ugg boots, supplied by the red head the expensive red wine taste, helped with the pain. So I went into the local city yesterday evening (whilst looking for a kebab house) and bought air pillow insoles. After wearing my lovely smart biker boots today round a massive exhibition I pretty much managed until I got home when they started to really hurt. So minor triumph I declare!
The exhibition was A-MA-ZING!!!!! I met so many great companies and will soon have lots of new ventures springing up within the business. You are going to love it. However I have stumbled across another rather amazing opportunity that launches this week called

I'm off to the webinar tonight to find out more. I'll let you know tommorrow what I find out.
Tommorrow I am heading off to see the design guys to get the website finalised and off to meet my mentor to work on more exciting startegies.
I'll See ya tommorrow evening back here then??? I'll have updates about all of the above AND will I have lost any more weight??? See ya then!
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