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Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Selling chocolate is as easy as... well chocolate

I am very lucky that my products don't need much in the way of selling. I mean one look at them, followed by a taste and you are hooked. Today I went to the University of Glamorgan, an ever expanding university, there I attended a women's entrepreneur group. I had asked the coordinator if I could bring some chocolate with the event logo on and she was more than thrilled. Now it cost me very little to take my samples along to a group of about 20 women.  Even though I knew I had a captive audience, I didn't anticipate the reaction I got.

One woman was almost crying, as she had already ordered her chocolate favours for her wedding, but said that they did not compare to the taste of mine.  Thanks for the compliment, I thought!  Then the student union turned around and explained that they loved the chocolate and that they were about to launch a new initiative at the uni, and that my chocolate bars would be just what they were looking for!!! Oh come two compliments in one visit, I was getting excited!  Then another lady, who worked for a charity asked me if I could cater for their events, and from the sounds of things there are many every year. To which I replied "Of course we can what do you need?" Inside I was leaping and so thrilled that my little freebies had gained such a great response.  And finally as I was leaving, the coordinator walked out into the corridor with me and explained that she simply loved my chocolate bars and as soon as she secured more funding she would be ordering them.

So there you go, you do get something for nothing, well almost nothing. I did have to buy the chocolate but what I will get from these few orders will far surpass the spare change I had to pay out to make them in the first place. I am one happy bunny! So selling chocolate really is as easy as well chocolate.

Have you had any experiences of  having something for free? Or maybe giving something for free? Leave me a comment, I'd love to hear all about it.

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